Finnish Pilots´ Association members


Suomen Liikennelentäjäliitto ry - Finnish Air Line Pilots Association (SLL)

SLL represents Finnair almost 950 pilots. The association was founded in 1949 and represented finnish pilots in ECA and IFALPA until 2005, when FPA was founded. Finnair pilots form biggest airline pilots association in Finland. 

Blue1 Pilots´ Association (B1PA) – CityJet -pilots based in Finland

Blue1 Pilots’ Association (B1PA) was founded in 1993 representing Air Botnia pilots (Air Botnia pilot association ABLY). Later due to name and ownership of the airline, the association name was changed to B1PA. Blue1 was sold to Irish Cityjet in 2015, but the pilot association kept their name. The association takes care of Helsinki based Cityjet pilots and their collective labour agreement. 

FAPA ry – N°RRAn pilots association

FAPA represents Norra pilots and negotiates over 200 pilots CLA. Norra is Danish DAT and Finnair´s owned regional airline feeding Finnair network mainly in Northern Europe.

Finnish Helicopter Pilots Association (FHPA) - Professional helicopter pilots

FHPA was founded in 2008. The association is in charge of CLA followed by HEMS -operations (HEMS=helicopter emergency medical services). FHPA is open for all professional helicopter pilots working in Finland.

Norwegian Pilot Union Finland – NPUF ry

NPUF Norwegian Pilot Union Finland – NPUF ry was founded in 2014 to represent Norwegian pilots based in Finland. The association negotiate CLA to be followed in Finland and is part of Norwegian Pilot Group (NPG).

JTF Pilots – Jet Time pilots based in Finlandin

Danish airline Jet Time operates leasure flights with B737 and has base in Finland. JTF is in charge of CLA followed in Finland. The association works in close contct with Danmark based pilots and their association, PAJ Pilot Association Jet Time.

Yksityisalojen Esimiehet- ja Asiantuntijat (YTY) - Individual pilots without airline related association

Majority of commercial pilots are part of FPA via pilot associations. Some smaller operators do not have pilots association in place and YTY enables connection and membership for example to flights school teachers or business flight sector.


FPA Flight school student associations

Suomen ilmailuopiston oppilasyhdistys ry - Finnish Aviation College students

Patria Pilot Training Oppilasyhdistys ry -student association

SL-Flight Students - Salpauslennon opiskelijat ry -student association