Finnish Pilots´ Association (FPA) is registered non-profit association and represents over 1400 professional pilots in Finland. We represent over 90% of professional commercial pilots in Finland, both in airline and helicopter business. We offer also support for student pilots in flight schools by sharing up to date information about airline industry and working conditions. FPA wants to contribute to the commercial aviation by offering highly trained experts in flight safety issues and assuring that pilot job remains as a interesting and viable job.
Finnish Pilots´ Association represents seven independent professional pilot associations. All CLA (Collective Labour Agreement) related issues and actual negotiations for terms and conditions are done by our individual member associations.
FPA is full member association of over 40 000 pilots European Cockpit Association (ECA) and International Federation of Air Line Pilots´ Association (IFALPA) representing over 100 000 professional pilots in the world.
We care deeply about flight safety and want to participate both nationally and internationally in flight safety work. We also raise voice for pilots in rapidly changing environment to keep pilot profession as a career to aim and work for.
FPA:n most important task is to represent Finnish pilots in flight safety and working environment related issues, both in national and international level.
FPA wants to work for improved flight safety and better working environment from professional, commercial pilots´ view. Pilots´ flight safety work concentrates to training, sharing info and building network of key players, airlines and authorities in flight safety related areas.
Working environment, attitudes and employment do have correlation to flight safety. We want to offer training and realistic understanding to new pilots about the profession and how the aviation sector works. Dynamic business sector is under constant changes and level playfield is vital to us all. Pilots invest to their profession financially huge numbers, their sole and body for a life time long journey. In return, pilots want to form and work in an environment where the personal investment is not taken as granted and safe operation of airplanes is never jeopardized by secondary worries.
FPA wants to make flying safer and pilot profession job to be proud of and to train for.